Your views on personal banking

I am interested to know your views on personal banking and the changes to the way we manage our finances. What once dominated our financial behaviour for centuries – cash – has been overtaken in less than forty years by the popularity of credit and debit cards, and more recently, contactless payments. It has meant that banks and ATMs have withdrawn from our High Streets. Post Offices plug the gap by providing some banking services, but not all. Equally, not all areas have access to a Post Office. You can directly let me know your views by filling out my survey below. 

Personal banking survey

  • Current Cash in society
  • Banks and building societies
  • Digital banking
  • Your details
Are you a user of cash?
For what reasons would you use cash over other types of payment?
Do you prefer to use cash over other forms of payment?
Do you think it is easy to access cash where you live?