Chris Loder is backing David Sidwick as Conservative candidate for the next Police and Crime Commissioner.
A statement from David Sidwick, PCC candidate 2021:
Should I become your Police and Crime Commissioner, I pledge to work tirelessly to keep the people of Dorset safe and secure. Below I have listed the steps I will take to ensure that happens:
My 6 Point Plan:
To make the first priority to cut crime and anti-social behaviour.
This will be the number one priority for the police to provide a robust focus to cut violent crime, rural crime and the constant grind of ASB - so people across Dorset see a clear difference and feel safer.
To make policing more visible to prevent crime.
To increase the number and visibility of police officers in our neighbourhood teams so police again fulfil a prevention role and the people and businesses across Dorset experience less crime. Contact will be improved so people know their police, see them around and can contact them easily when needed.
To fight organised and violent crime.
To tackle organised gangs, be tough on drugs and the violence around drugs and to tackle “hidden harms” such as child abuse, domestic violence, hate crime, modern slavery and cyber crime.
To fight rural crime.
To significantly increase the rural crime team and their capabilities and to have specific strategies to address burglary, anti-social behaviour and farm theft in the rural community.
To put victims and communities first.
Support all victims - particularly the elderly and vulnerable - and build community strength by working together with councils and agencies - supporting volunteers such as Neighbourhood Watch, Community Speedwatch, and increasing opportunities for the young with initiatives like Police Cadets.
To make every penny count for the needs of the people of Dorset.
To resource and transform the front-line and reduce administration so patrol and response teams can spend more time out on the beat - Engaging with our communities, gathering intelligence and making residents feel safer on our streets.
Visit www.sidwick4dorset.org.uk for more information