West Dorset’s MP, Chris Loder, has written to Dorset Council urging the Liberal Democrat/Green coalition not to dispose of Dorset’s County Farm Estate. In a letter to Cllr Richard Biggs, the newly appointed Portfolio Holder for Property and Assets, Mr Loder has requested confirmation that the current stock of 41 county farms spread across 2,600 hectares of Dorset land will not be disposed.
Mr Loder said: “It’s critical that our county farms are not sold off by the new Liberal Democrat/Green administration on Dorset Council. County farms play a vital role, offering a gateway into agriculture and a career in farming. Neighbouring counties have pushed ahead with disposal of their county farm assets, and we need to avoid this happening in Dorset.”
He added: “As the son of tenant farmers, I know first-hand just how important county farms are. They are part of my heritage, offering opportunities like no other, and I want to see Dorset retain what stock it already has.”
Mr Loder continued: “Given the impending nature emergency expected to be delivered by Dorset Council’s new administration, I will be looking to ensure that Dorset’s county farms are protected from eco-vandalism.”